Outsourcing For Success

Realistically you know that you can’t do everything, right? And why would you want to do everything? Some of the jobs that I used to spend hours doing could be outsourced for a few dollars. It’s crazy!

My time is very valuable to me. I can’t ask for more time on this planet but I can always make more money. My time is so valuable that I outsource most of the work in my business and spend time doing the things that I really enjoy. Come on, you want to spend less time working and more time having fun, don’t you? Everyone does!

I enjoy the site flipping process but there are some parts that I hate doing such as writing articles and building the sites. This is two things that I outsource every single day.

Why would you want to do all the work in your business? In an offline store you wouldn’t work 24 hours per day managing a store… you employ other people to help out. The same should go for any online business as well.

Try play to others strengths. Personally I’m a terrible writer. By outsourcing the job I don’t just save a lot of time, I also get really high quality articles instead of the crap I throw together.

You can hire some very clever people for less than you would imagine…

I find it amazing when looking through Internet Marketing forums how many people are stuck with a problem and it’s holding their business back. If you can’t write sales copy or can’t code sites… just outsource the work!! Please, please don’t let it hold your business back.

You can outsource some simple sales copy for a few hundred bucks or have someone build your site for $20. Of course you can come up with some lame excuse why you can’t outsource, maybe you don’t have any money or your scared of being scammed. Get over it and start outsourcing. Your leaving more money on the table than you think by not talking advantage of other people’s skills.

Just do something that is going to help your business today and do it right now.

Where To Find The Best Person For The Job

I wish I could tell you exactly where to find the best people online but unfortunately I can’t because it depends what work your looking for doing and how much your looking to spend.

If your looking for a copyrighter find a place where copywriters hang out and contact someone who shows they know a lot about the subject they are talking about. Tell them what you need doing and ask if they can help you. Most will for a small charge. :)

This same process can be used for any job that you need doing.

I have a group of people who I can always rely upon. I know my writers, copywriters, designers, programmers, tech guys and everyone else I work with well. I found most of my best people on the Warrior Forum.

There are a lot of talented people over at the Warrior Forum. Think of any job that you might need outsourcing and there is someone there who can help you or at least refer you to someone else who can do the job for you instead.

I’m thinking of hiring a virtual assistant soon to help me with a few minor tasks that I do daily that I wish I didn’t have to do.

Yesterday I did a search on the Warrior forum and found some Warriors who are VA’s and also found some recommendations. I’ll be contacting a few potential people I found over the next few days and see if any of them are able to help me with the work I need completing. I’ll find the best person for the job and hire them. It’s to easy.

Picking The Best Person

Often choosing the right person for the job is the hardest part. Especially if you have a number of talented people who would all do a great job. Here are a few things that I look for in someone I’m outsourcing to.

Price – I’m cheap and I don’t like spending more money than I have to. I don’t want to spend $500 on something that should only cost $10 to do. The price is only second to the quality of the work.

Quality – Yep ,this is very important. If someone is going to do a very good job I’m willing to pay extra for it. My sites are the best, everything that I produce is the best and that is because I pay the best to help me. Quality sells all the time.

Turnaround – This is important to me as well. When I have ideas I have them fast and implement them as quickly as possible. I need people who I can rely on to do the work as quickly as possible. When I want something I really do want it now… not in a months time.

Reliability – Everyone I work with must be 100% reliable. I hate people who make excuses for things they haven’t done and are utterly unreliable. I want to be able to log off my computer at the end of the day and know that when I turn it back on in the morning that everything is going to be OK.

If your on a limited budget then price may be your biggest consideration. You still need to find someone that is reliable and produces quality work. Quick turnaround time is another thing that isn’t essential but is always nice especially if your working to a dealine.

Recommendations are also a good way to choose the best person for the job. Find people who have already hired them and ask them for their feedback on the work produced and the reliability of the person doing the work.

The Cheapest Isn’t Always The Best

But it sometimes is…

You can get some great work done for some very cheap prices. I generally pay most of my article writers $3 an article which is incredibly cheap but the content is always of the highest standard.

But then I go away and pay thousands of dollars for a short sales page. I always want the best people working with/for me. Good sales page writers are hard to find and are not cheap but there are a lot of very good article writers out there who are willing to work cheaply.

Do you understand that?

Offering people extra work, full time work, benefits for working for you, anything to keep them on your side is good. Becoming friends with people you work with is also a good idea because you will always get a special price. Mates rates.

It depends completely on what your doing on the price that you pay. Before you hire anyone work out exactly how much money their work is worth to you. If you make $10 per article and they charge $15 it isn’t going to work. Your going to lose money! Keep a track of your income and expenses.

The Dark Site Of Outsourcing

Outsourcing is good but there is a dark side to outsourcing that I must tell you about because I don’t want you to fall into the trap. Getting scammed. It’s going to happen to you eventually don’t worry about that.

I have been scammed before, sometimes for $10 sometimes a little more but I have never been scammed out of serious amounts of money because I take steps to protect myself from these shady characters.

My first tip for you is that before you hire someone for a job you should always check them out. Search for them on Google, check there profiles out on sites and forums, if you know someone that has hired them before ask them for there feedback. Get as much information about the person as possible.

Second, start small initially. Don’t give someone a $5k job if you have never worked with them before. Throw them a few small jobs around $20 each. If they do well with that work give them the bigger jobs.

Of course, these steps are not going to stop you getting scammed completely. Sorry! But they will limit the damage to small amounts if someone takes $20 it isn’t the end of the world but if they take $5,000 it might be :)

I love outsourcing! When I first started taking advantage of this my business started to grow at a phenomenal speed. I used to be able to create a few sites a week when I did all the work myself – this was working 8 hour days – but now I can create a few sites a day spending just a few hours working because other people do the work for me.

I could be sat anywhere in the world with a laptop and Internet connection and be able to run my business. Freedom like this is good and you can’t have it if your working 8 hours a day writing content.

SEO and Keywords

The first thing you have to know is: No keyword research — no SEO. Why? Because keywords are the cornerstones of SEO. And, trying to promote a website without having the right keywords brings no results. It's like trying to find a buried treasure without knowing where exactly it's hidden. Think of a situation like this: you know there're heaps of pure golden coins and shining diamonds buried on an island, but the old pirate map you have is half burnt, and you just can't find the right place on it. So you can dig the ground as deep as you wish, but you won't get a grain of gold. Now what's the bright side of it? The right keywords are the best investment in SEO. It's the case when money doesn't matter. Think of this: if you have 5 great keywords, your chances to make a fortune are huge. And if you have 5 thousand dollars, you still need the 5 great keywords. ;) 100% sure, with this guide you'll pick out really good keywords, use them at really right time — and turn them into really big money. Once again, the thing I know for sure is: if you do what the book says, there's no way to fail SEO. Now, don't waste your time, go ahead! So what's a keyword for SEO? This is a word people will type in Yahoo! or Google or other search engine to look for products or services they need and you offer. Before I give you my example, meet my son Mike. His girlfriend gave him an iPod for his 19th birthday, 3 weeks ago. Today Mike's going to buy new headphones and makes a query in Yahoo!, typing in headphones. Now, if he sees your site at the very top of the search engine's results page, this means that you rank first by the keyword headphones. Also, it means that Mike is much more likely to visit your site and buy from it, then from a competitor's site that has a #4 ranking. We can make queries using one or several words, like, headphones or iPod headphones. Terms for query that contain several words are sometimes called keyphrases. So iPod headphones is a two-keyword keyphrase. So to get a #1 placement in search engines, the first and the most important step is to choose the right keywords and keyphrases for which you want to rank first. Why do I call this step the most important? I'm often asked: "Why think so much of keywords?" The answer comes together with experience. Keywords are the crucial starting point of any SEO campaign. They are the material an SEO works with. Just like a cook can't make an apple pie with wrong fruit, or a potter can't make a plate with bad clay, an SEO can't make a website succeed with wrong keywords. Pick the good keywords, and you're half-way to success. Get the wrong ones — and you'll make a dog's dinner of the whole campaign. You will need the results of this first step all way through Sure, when you get done with this step, you won't see any effect on your website's traffic. But the keywords you'll single out will be critical for the greater part of your future optimization work, be it onpage optimization, directories submit, link exchange or other. But let's not leap ahead. I'll put prior things first. The simple truth about keywords Now, I want to dwell upon one very important and rather contradictory thing. It's about the length and composition of keyphrases. When people make searches in Google or other search engines, most often they type in 2-word phrases, and just a bit less often 3-word phrases. 1-word phrases get fewer searches, and if the keyphrase is longer than 3, it gets fewer uses, with each word added. So in general, if you choose long keyphrases, you're getting less traffic. The only exception is 1-word keywords. They also don't get too many searches. But the coin has its reverse. Let's talk about targeted traffic. Please think of this: if a person types in headphones, who can guess what exactly one expects to find? Say, my son is in fact interested in inexpensive headphones for running, and you sell professional stereo headphones. So Mike comes to your website, maybe thinks it's well designed — and hits the back button in his browser. But what if he were looking for 900 MHz wireless stereo headphones and would type it in Yahoo? If you sell this kind of headphones, then your chances to get Mike as a purchaser would at least double — and this happens with any visitor. Here's what we call targeted traffic: people come to your website because they are looking for what you offer. If they type in a search term, find your site, come to it and buy — this means that the search term they used converts. If they come to your site after the search, look it through and leave — the keyword does not convert. You only get a visit, but not a sale. So remember: you need keyphrases that convert. The longer and the more precise your keyphrases are, the sooner you'll get your traffic. Why? Because it's easier to optimize a site for a unique phrase with little competition. So here's the summary: it's rather hard and not wise to get to the top with a single-word or rather broad-sense keyphrase. The longer and more precise your keyphrase is, the fewer visitors you get, but the more targeted your traffic is. The narrower the search term you target, the greater part of visitors convert into real customers. My recommendation is: try to find the golden mean. If you're not sure, start with two- or three-word keyphrases that better express your customer's needs.

Free Directories

Links are a key to traffic, and one great source of free links is directory submission. You have undoubtedly seen these sites online. They are organized compendiums of websites on a variety of subjects. They feature a brief description of a site and then a link to the site. You can get traffic a few different ways from a directory. There will be those who surf there and click on your link. You can also get that highly desirable search engine bump from adding to your blog’s backlink collection. To make things even more enticing, some of the directories actually have their information “scraped” by a variety of other sites, multiplying the potential value of a link. There are paid directories. They charge a fee (sometimes nominal, sometimes costly) in exchange for listing your site. For our purposes here, we will focus on free directories. Free directories are those that will list your blog without charging you for the privilege. Their acceptance criteria may vary, and there is no guarantee that a directory will list your site. In most cases, however, inclusion is a very strong likelihood. Some directories are wide-ranging and contain an immense variety of categories. Others are specific to a certain geographical area or topic niche. Be sure to submit your blog to only those directories that would be interested in your content. Free directory listings can be completely free without obligation of any sort. Other sites, however, will require a link to the directory placed on your blog. Is the value of the link from the directory worth the hassle of the link from your blog? It depends on the directory. If you are dealing with a directory that is frequently visited and highly regarded by the search engines, it may be worth a link. If it is related to your specific niche and may be of value to your readership, it may also be a good decision. However, there are enough directories that do not require backlinks to justify avoiding many directories requiring reciprocal links. The “mother of all directories” is DMOZ. This is a human-edited compendium of web resources with an expansive array of categories and sub-categories. DMOZ ostensibly filters out “junk sites” and lists only those pieces of the internet that contain content that meets the varying standards of editors. DMOZ listings are coveted by many webmasters because Google apparently relies on the listings as one component of its valuation process for sites. A DMOZ listing can also generate some traffic in and of itself. Getting into DMOZ appears to be deceptively simple. You browse through the categories until you find the one that best matches your blog. You then click on the link for adding a new URL. A few simple questions are asked in a form, which you then submit. Although the “application procedure” is simple, getting listed is not a piece of cake. The amount of time a category editor will take before getting to your site and looking at it can vary considerably. Some have said that it took several years before DMOZ took a gander at their site. Even then, inclusion is not guaranteed. The requirements and expectations of editors vary and many seemingly adequate sites have been rejected by DMOZ. It is worth trying to get into to DMOZ. The possible upside is sufficient to warrant a quick application. However, the best advice to bloggers is to submit your blog and then forget it about it. If you get in, that’s great. If not, you are not alone. There are literally of thousands of free directories available. Most of them will probably have a category that is related to your blog. There are places online that maintain a list of directories. One example can be found here, which provides several hundred directories. New directories are being launched every day. Submitting to a new directory may not produce results on par with using an established directory, but inclusion can be a great deal faster. Additionally, new directories are often excited about adding new listings and are more likely to make free listings available without the requirement for a reciprocal link. You can find many new directories that are looking for sites by perusing forums populated by people in the online business. The Digital Point Forums, for example, contain an entire forum area dedicated to new directory announcements. Most directories make submission intuitive. Generally, you browse the categories until you find the area that is best-suited for your blog. You then click on a visible link to add a new listing. This generally brings you to a form you must complete. There are certain bits of information you will want to have handy when submitting to directories. You will need to know your site’s URL, its title, your email address, and you should have a brief description of your blog (as well as some of its keywords) available. Filling out forms like these can be redundant. As a result, special form submitting software (some of which is freeware) has been created to make the process easier. Those who use Firefox as a browser can also make use of a handy extension that makes completing forms of this sort much faster. The directory tips we just covered will work for any site. One of the great advantages to using a blog is that you can make use of these traditional tactics easily and effectively while also benefiting from strategies unique to blogs. An example of this is the blog directory. Blog directories live up to their name. They are organized directories consisting completely of blogs. They will list your blog under the appropriate categories with a description and other relevant information. The submission process is similar to that required of other directories. You may be asked to provide the URL for your RSS feed (if available), as well. Often, blog directories request either a link back to the directory or the inclusion of a graphical button on your blog as a precondition for inclusion. As blogging grows in popularity, these blog directories are becoming important locations for many searchers. Some people rely on these to find timely and interesting information instead of traditional search engines. You cannot afford to overlook listing your site on some of the more popular blog directories. You can find lists of blog directories in many places, or you can simply search for blog directories using your favorite search engine. One good list of directories can be found here. Some of the blog directories also attempt to double as active blogger communities. Thus, in some cases it may be necessary to create a membership to the site first. This is generally a quick and easy process. The ping is another unique tool for blogs that enables you to notify blog directories that your site has been updated. A ping is nothing more than a quick transmission to the blog directory, notifying them that there is new content. These pings can send you to the top of the “updated blogs” lists, improve your visibility and increase traffic. It has also been shown that pinging can alert spiders from search engines to check out your site for updates and indexing. Pinging should be done every time new content is added to your blog. However, if you are adding several posts in rapid succession, you may want to either ping only once or spread out your posts over a longer period of time. Many directories and blog services do not look at over-pinging favorably. The easiest way to ping directories is through the use of an automated tool. There are two popular pinging devices you can access that will notify a host of services every time you have made an update. The more venerable of the two is Ping-o-Matic. A newer entry into the free ping tool category is Pingoat. Pingoat operates a bit more quickly and seems to service more directories.

Making Money With Small Reports

Before I share this incredibly profitable business model, let me first explain the concept. Here’s the idea: Write a small report (approximately 7-15 pages) to sell online and, over time, grow that singular small report into a huge information empire consisting of reports, full-length products, membership sites, high-ticket premium products, e-coaching and more. Everything hinges around being able to write small, 7-15 page reports. Throughout EVERY stage of this business, you will NEVER be required to write anything more than 7-15 pages.
  • ⇒ As you grow your business into full-length products, you’ll never write anything more than 7-15 pages!
  • ⇒ As you grow your business into a membership site, you’ll never write anything more than 7-15 pages!
  • ⇒ As you grow your business into high-ticket products, you’ll never write anything more than 7-15 pages!
  • ⇒ As you grow your business into premium-priced e-coaching, you’ll never write anything more than 7-15 pages!
It starts with a 7-15 page small report and - despite the numerous streams of higher-priced income you’ll develop in this model - you'll never have to write anything more than 7-15 pages. Now, it is with that foundation that I want to quickly share my system with you - “5 Steps To A Big-Profit, S.M.A.L.L.™ Report Business” … I use the acronym “S.M.A.L.L.” to illustrate the five steps. Each letter of the word SMALL (S – M – A – L – L ) represents one of the five steps…
  • S – SELECT a market.
  • M – MEASURE interest.
  • A – AUTHOR a report.
  • L – LOOK to repeat.
  • L – LEVERAGE your assets.
Let’s begin with the “S” of the S.M.A.L.L.™ Report Business Model which is... Step 1 - SELECT A Market The first step in this process is to “select a market”. That is, you’ll want to identify a group of people that you want to sell to – a “target audience”. A “market” is simply a body of existing or potential buyers for specific goods or services. Just a few of the more popular markets include – • Weight loss • Home business • Relationships • Parenting • Retirement • Personal Growth We’re going to briefly look at each of these steps so you can get a good overview of how to build a successful “small report” business. • Wedding and Marriage • Computers and Technology • Motivational • Leadership The list could go on and on, but I think you get an idea. You want to choose a “market” that you’ll center your small reports business on. If you’ve been following events over the past couple of years, then you know that “niche” marketing has been the big craze. People have been (and still are) scrambling all over to find these tiny, untapped niches (Ex. Teaching a parrot to talk) to create businesses around. I’ve got two words for this kind of business model – Big mistake! Let me caution you that while that is an approach that certainly works, there is another strategy to use that I have found to produce even greater results. Instead of identifying niches, identify target markets Here’s the common practice...
  1. Identify a red-hot niche with hungry customers.
  2. Create a product that's highly sought after by those customers.
  3. Setup a web site to sell the product.
  4. Rush off to buy pay per click listings and Google Adwords to promote the site.
  5. Find another red-hot niche and repeat the process.
  6. Now, that’s a good plan. There’s no doubt that it’s a profitable system.
But, it’s not a great plan. Really, that system is setup for leaving money on the table, for just throwing away money that you could be depositing into your bank account. So, what is a great plan? Selecting a market so you can generate multiple sales per customer. It’s very similar to the way most people approach niche marketing, with a critical extra “profit-boosting” step...
  1. Identify a market with hungry customers.
  2. Create a product that's highly sought after by those customers.
  3. Setup a web site to sell the product.
  4. Rush off to buy pay per click listings and Google Adwords to promote the site.
  5. Find another market and repeat the process.
Do you see what I added there? There’s an extra step there that is so critical to your bottom line, and that is “Create additional related products to sell to your existing customer and lead lists.” 1. You’ve already got customers who have bought a product from you, so instead of moving on to other “niches” where you have to go out and find additional customers, why not offer your customers additional, related products before you move on? 2. You’ve already begun building a lead list, why not offer them additional, related products before you start looking for other “niches”? So, you simply feed them other offers that are highly related to the one that they’ve already identified as being important to them. Instead of looking for tiny “niches”, you look for larger markets and feed them multiple, highly related offers. The idea here is to find customers who make repeated purchases from you. And when you take into consideration what we’ll be talking about momentarily -- creating 7-15 page reports as these various “offers” -- it really is an easy thing to accomplish. First step, “select a market”. Then we have the “M” of the S.M.A.L.L.™ Report Business Model… Step 2 - MEASURE Interest After you’ve determined what “market” you want to target, it’s simply a matter of finding out what to offer them. If you want to put things into a practical setting, it’s time to get some ideas for what topic you’ll be writing about in your first 7-15 page small report. You’ll want to “measure interest” among your market. Take their temperature. Identify the current hottest topic of interest. Basically, I have three “diagnostic” questions that I use in measuring interest in any particular market that you can put to the test yourself for your market... “What do they want?” It all begins and ends with the persons that make up your “market”. What do THEY want? Based on your own history in the market, researching the market or inquiring among existing individuals in the market, it should be easy to determine the wants and needs of the group as a whole. (More on this in a minute). “What is available?” Next up, you want to determine “what is available”. In other words, are there existing resources in place that are being sold to this market that you’ll be directly competing against? What do they offer? What’s good about their offer and what’s not so good? “What can I offer that’s different?” And, thirdly, “what can I offer that’s different?” Is there something missing from existing resources? Something that could be explained better? Are more ideas and examples needed? Is there new information available? Can you package, present or position content in a more user-friendly way? Are their tiny segments that could be broadened? By focusing on these three diagnostic questions, you’ll be able to measure the interest of your market and determine an “in-demand” topic to write about in your first 7-15 page small report. Now, before we move on, I do just want to give you a quick way to find ideas to write about. You’ll still need to use these three diagnostic questions, but this will give you something towards which you can direct the questions. One of my favorite places to brainstorm ideas is Amazon. Amazon.com is the web’s largest bookstore. It’s also a community center for new product ideas. I use it as one of my brainstorming resources. Again and again I visit this site to come up with topics to write about. What makes Amazon.com so useful as a research tool for getting new ideas is their searchable database of books. There are thousands of great ideas lurking in there if you just know how to use it. And that’s what I’m here for. I’m going to show you how to find hot product ideas with Amazon.com anytime you want. It’s really a matter of three simple steps … STEP 01: Decide Upon A Broad Category. When brainstorming ideas, you must begin with a broad category to work with. Some examples might be: weight loss, marketing, dating, travel, baseball. Basically, whatever “market” you’ve chosen. As an example for this article, I’m going to choose GOLF. STEP 02: Search Amazon’s Database. After picking your broad topic to research, it’s time to visit Amazon.com. Specifically, you’re going to SEARCH their database of books they are selling. Upon arriving at their site, locate their SEARCH form. At the time of this writing, it was in the upper left hand corner of their main page. Pull the menu down and select BOOKS from the options. In the space provided, type in whatever broad category you chose. I’d type in “Golf”. (You don’t need quotation marks). If you did indeed start with a broad category, then hundreds (or even thousands) of book listings should appear as a result of the search. STEP 03: Brainstorm Ideas From The Listings. Let the brainstorming session begin! Now it’s time to look at the books that are listed and write down as many possible ideas as you can find. Look for the different TYPES of books written about the subject, identifying different THEMES, STYLES and SUBCATEGORIES. Let’s look at an example … When I searched for “Golf”, I was able to immediately spot dozens of great ideas. Here are a handful … 1. Becoming a Better Golfer There are many golf books available in this area, covering everything from “A-Z of Golf Shots” to specific topics such as “Improving Your Short Game”. There were lots of different themes from “learning to break 100” to “shaving 10 shots off your score” to “7 shots that will change your golf game forever”. 2. Guides to Golf Courses Again, we have many different ideas here. Specific golf guides like “Florida golfing”, “golfing in Tennessee” and “golfing the Robert Trent Jones trail” appear, as well as books on “the best golf courses in America”, “best kept secrets: great golf courses you’ve probably never played”, and “golf vacation guides”. 3. Profiting from Golf More ideas pour in with “opening a golf repair business”, “becoming a golf retailer”, “learning how to caddy” and “buying & selling used golf clubs”. What about “running an online golf auction”, “organizing a golf tournament for profit” or even “writing information products about golf”! 4. Golf and Business There are millions of dollars in business deals negotiated on the golf course every single year. And there are books available to teach folks how to get it done. “How to negotiate business deals during golf outings”, “Legal golf tax deductions for businesspeople”, and “business seminars and golf: how to mix training and fun for maximum profit” are just a few more ideas worth exploring. 5. Golf Products My, my, my there are so many ideas floating around in here! Everything ranging from reviews of the latest golf equipment to ratings of golf courses to discounts on golf packages. Resource guides to finding the best deals on golfing products, how to negotiate discounts, and how to find the best products for your specific golf game also come to mind as product ideas. One Broad Category (Golf) + Amazon.com Searchable Database of Books = 28 Potential Product Ideas See how easy that was? I found TWENTY-EIGHT potential small report ideas (and there were MANY MORE that I didn’t mention in this report) from a simple brainstorming exercise using ONE “idea hangout”. Not bad, right? So, you measure interest and then on to step 3, the “A” of the S.M.A.L.L.™ Report Business Model… Step 3 - AUTHOR A Report After you’ve selected your market and measured interest you should have a topic for your first small report. So, now it’s time to “author” your report. It’s time to write that first one. Now, what I want to engrain in your head concerning this small report is simply this … It only needs to be 7-15 pages long. Now, for obvious reasons (I.E. I want you to buy my Small Reports Fortune™ course ☺), I can’t give you my proprietary system for writing these small reports. That’s reserved for my paying customers only. I couldn’t, in good conscience, give you privileged information that others have paid me to receive. But, I do want to give you a simple strategy that will dramatically help you write easier, faster and better as you create these small reports. It is simply this – Compile and refer to a “Starter Swipe File” One of the things that you’ll find invaluable to you as an information writer is what I have labeled as a “starter swipe file”. DEFINED: “Starter Swipe File” A “starter swipe file” is a collection of ideas to write about written in a single sentence formatted template. Example: One of the biggest reasons people fail in ___ is ___. I could use this starter sentence to create paragraphs of content about virtually any topic in the world – ƒ One of the biggest reasons people fail in marketing is... ƒ One of the biggest reasons people fail in dieting is... ƒ One of the biggest reasons people fail in reaching goals is... ƒ One of the biggest reasons people fail in homeschooling is... ƒ One of the biggest reasons people fail in relationships is... These starter sentences allow me to quickly find something to write about anytime I want to build content into a document – 1) At the beginning as I outline it, 2) During the writing process as I struggle for ideas, or 3) At the conclusion of the document when I find portions of the document need more information. Do you see how this works? I encourage you to compile a set of these “starter sentences” – templates – that you can plug in anywhere you want to kick-start your writing. I use these all the time and it makes my writing so much faster, easier and, ultimately, better! The writing part of this business is obviously the most important piece of the puzzle. If you don’t write your small reports, then you don’t sell them. And that brings the profit to a grinding halt. Step 4 - LOOK To Repeat Remember when I told you earlier about choosing a “market” so you could make multiple, related offers? That’s what this step is all about. Let’s face it, selling one small report for $15-$20 isn’t going to make a lot of money. After all, you’d have to sell 1,000 copies just to make $20,000. But … What if you created a second 7-15 page report and sold it to your existing customers and leads? What if you created a third 7-15 page report and sold it to your existing customers and leads? What if you created a fourth 7-15 page report and sold it to your existing customers and leads? What if you created a fifth 7-15 page report and sold it to your existing customers and leads? If you sold 1,000 of each (same customers!) you’d suddenly have made $100,000 instead of $20,000! In the typical time (8 hours) someone else spends a day on the job that they get paid once to work, I can create a stream of income that pays off handsomely for months and even years to come. ⇒ We were on the way to a skiing retreat recently and I finished up a 19-page small report on "how to beat any tennis player at your skill level" on the drive there. Another income stream. ⇒ My in-laws live about 45 minutes away and on a couple of drives to and from their home to visit, I wrote a small report on "how to lose weight by making tiny, healthy changes". More income streams. These small reports are so easy to write that you'll find even in your sparest of time you can crank them out. That's what I love about them - it doesn't take much time at all to write a dozen or so. But, to the point, it’s all about “looking to repeat”. That is, creating multiple, related 7-15 page reports to sell to your market. Let me give you an example: Marketing Exhibit™: “Weight Loss” Weight loss is a billion dollar industry. There are literally millions of potential customers out there who are looking to lose weight and get in shape. So, let’s say that anyone looking to “lose weight and get in shape” is your market that you want to receive your offers. Let’s say you create a small report entitled, “How to Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days”. That’s a good start because we’ve got a lot of potential customers out there. You setup your site and go to work marketing. And you get a lot of customers and sales. Now, instead of moving on to some tiny niche like “Teaching Your Bassett Hound to Play the Banjo”, you create some related small reports for the customers and subscribers you’ve already started collecting. So, what is your market interested in? They are interested in losi weight and getting in shape. So, we could create these 7-15 page small reports… • How to Tone Up Your Tummy • One Minute Exercise Routines • 7 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism • Low-Calorie Mealbook • Walking Your Way to Better Health • Yoga for Beginners I mean, we could go on and on here with ideas. These small reports are all decidedly different from each other, but they are all related to your market’s interest – that of losing weight and getting in shape. Anyone who buys your "How to lose 10 pounds in 10 days" small report would likely be interested in one or more of these additional products, because they are highly related. Some of your customers will buy them all. Your customers ultimately make multiple purchases from you. And if you question whether or not this strategy works, look at your own computer. Chances are, if you’ve been involved in doing business online for any amount of time at all, you’ve bought products related to... • Affiliate marketing • Driving traffic to your site • Building email lists • Creating your own products • Using pay-per-click search engines • And so forth. These are all specialty products that are related to a larger target audience, that of those interesting in doing business online. Now do you see how this works? It’s a surefire system for getting multiple purchases per customer. So, that’s the first “L”. What about the second “L” of these 5 steps… Step 5 - LEVERAGE Your Assets Now, here’s where it gets interesting. I mean, really interesting. This is where you go from making a decent amount of money selling small reports to making a LOT of money selling small reports. After writing a few of these small reports (you can easily write several in a month’s time) it’s time to begin doing three important things that will quickly escalate your profit… Re-Packaging This would include taking several of your related small reports and bundling them together into a $97.00+ offer. Re-Publishing This would include enhancing and then converting the information into different formats. (I.E. “Physical products”) Re-Profiting This would include adding more content and developing high-ticket (e coaching) and continuity (membership site) offers. With a few strategic steps you can –without writing anything more than 7-15 pages of content at a time – create offers that sell for $997 and beyond! It’s all about leveraging your assets. And every bit of this requires that you write no more than 7-15 pages of content at a time. That’s the beauty of the way I have it set up. It requires very little time or effort in creating the content for this business. No more getting bogged down trying to write hundreds of pages! Like I said, it’s all about leveraging your assets. And that’s all about learning the system.


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