MasterMoz Directory

Are you looking for websites that you can trust?Are you a webmaster and you are looking to promote your site? MasterMOZ is the directory for you. It is the directory that puts you back in full control of your website listing. It gives you the opportunity to see that your listing is represented on the Internet accurately and fairly. It let's you monitor the other listings in your category to make sure they are represent properly. Websites that are listed on MasterMOZ, are continually monitored by the peer members of the categories they are listed in. If a listing is found to be inaccurate, the listing must be edited by the owner/author within 15 days or it will go off-line. This assures that your site is acknowledged for its Accuracy, Reputation and Credibility. Also MasterMOZ offers extensive, unique and valuable information about all the member websites and the person who's responsible for them. MasterMoz is not a search engine.It is a Website Directory like Yahoo and DMOZ, except that you are put in full control of your listing. It's your opportunity to see that your listing is represented on the Internet accurately and fairly. MasterMoz was launched as the ultimate solution to bring back honesty and accuracy to web listings. Built as an online social website offers the most accurate website listings on the Internet, with no compromises. The review system eliminates unfair tricks to rank higher or get listed in unrelated categories, and in general keeps them honest. Listings are activated immediately, honesty is rewarded and fraud is eliminated. Visitors searching for your site will know they can trust it and actually find them. The Web Marketing Association announced the winners of the 2007 WebAwards Competition. The MasterMOZ Directory received the Standard of Excellence WebAward in the category Directory or Search Engine!